JDF Nutrition sector
JDF has 5 years’ solid experience in the nutrition sector in emergency programming...
We have five years experience in the nutrition sector, focusing on community identification and management of moderate acute malnutrition, Infant and Young Child Feeding Programme, (IYCF) Active Case finding, Community Based Nutrition sensitization, Formation and operationalization of Mother to Mother as well as Father to Father support groups, training and strengthening community-based structures that support nutrition work in camps and host communities, integration of livelihood including agricultural-based interventions for sustaining nutrition work at community levels, effective coordination and collaboration with state actors, UN organization such as UNICEF and WFP field level partners, research and assessment to build and generate evidence that supports nutrition interventions.

Nutrition Objectives
- Prevent mortality by ensuring that malnourished children receive timely treatment and quality services and by ensuring providing support for appropriate, safe feeding for children 0-23 months (specific focus on <6m) including those in exceptional services.
- Prevent malnutrition by improving access to information, counselling, and services inputs to prevent malnutrition through community mobilization and technically supporting other sectors to integrate nutrition sensitive actions into their activities
Our Activities
- The use of locally produced therapeutic supplementary food, targeting moderately acute malnourished children.
- Capacity strengthening within communities with the aim of strengthening local capacities.
- Outpatient therapeutic programme (OTP) and Stabilization center including children.
- Targeted supplementary feeding programme including Tom Brown and Porridge mum approaches.
- Support to Blanket Supplementary Feeding Programme (BSFP) – Children/PLW
- Support to Supplementary feeding services for pregnant and lactating women (PLW)
- Support activities that improve Infant and Young Child (IYCF) practices
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