Jireh Doo Foundation

Risk Education Small Arms & Light Weapon

Project Description

The recurrent crisis between some Fulani herdsmen and indigenous crop farmers in many areas of the North-central geo political zone of the country has continued to take its toll and shows little signs of abating. 

The incessant exchange of violence has claimed more than 4000 lives with several thousand persons displaced across the states of Nasarawa, Benue, Plateau and even in Kwara states. In Benue state, local government area’s such as Makurdi, Agatu, Kwande, Konshisha, Katsina-Ala, Oju, Obi, Logo to mention a few have also witness series of attacks from these herders who destroy both life and properties, leaving a scar that continously remind community members, many have left their homes severally in a bid to feel more secure. 

The situation has not greatly improved as there are still reports of attacks within the locations named above as there have been negatively impacted by the use of small arms and light weapons. Women, men, boys and young girls have been adversely affected by the impact of the poliferation of small arms and light weapons. 

Following the Socioeconomic Impact Survey conducted in Benue (Agatu, Obi, Logo and Katsina-Ala) by MAG, JDF through this funding will empower key vulnerable communities in Agatu, Obi, Logo and Katsina-Ala with risk education(RE) messages and relevant information to ensure that community members can collectively take action to curb the illicit flow of small arms and light weapons, which promotes armed violence in local communities. 

JDF will identify, recruit and train (4) four community liaison officer who will be responsible for the implementation of the risk education sessions to be held in the four communities. The RE sessions will be one-off sessions that will hold twice a week targeting men, boys, women and girls.

Project Objectives

JDF will empower communities through provision of risk education, community dialogue and information to prevent and reduce effects of illicit arms, violence, and foster an enabling environment to promote security and safety for women, men, boys and girls in the North-West and North Central, Nigeria.

Community entry and engagement

Training of AVR staff

Cohort-based RE sessions

Monitoring visits

Radio Jingles

Close out meetings with stakeholders

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

The action will be monitored by JDF
using a results-based monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) framework, using
the project log-frame and work plans as well as agreed standards and donor and cluster guidelines.


JDF will continue to work in close coordination with all relevant stake holders in Benue state and within Agatu, Obi, Logo and Katsina-Ala, this will include the security formations, traditional and religious leaders, Principals of secondary schools, heads of vigilante/livestock guards.


Risk Management

JDF agrees on appropriate language and protocols for communicating about the project and associated services within the communities, so as to safeguard project security and reputation. Additionally, Jireh Doo Foundation will frequently gather security information from the field on a daily basis and security advice from her partners. 

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